A Global Dataset of Anuran Species Advertisement Call


You can install the anura package from GitHub with:


In R, documentation for anura dataset can be accessed with the standard help command (e.g., ?anura.data and ?anura.tree).

For a online description of the dataset, see reference page


How to load and use anura.data?

fam sp environment DF SVL
Allophrynidae Allophryne_ruthveni still 4645 20.60
Alsodidae Alsodes_nodosus flowing 1140 75.85
Alytidae Alytes_cisternasii flowing 1491 41.00
Arthroleptidae Cardioglossa_occidentalis flowing 4100 27.30
Arthroleptidae Leptopelis_argenteus still 1750 45.00
Arthroleptidae Leptopelis_bocagii still 600 52.00

# fit a model
fit <- lm(log10(DF) ~ environment, anura.data)

# make a plot
ggplot(anura.data, aes(y = log10(DF), 
                       x = environment)) +
  geom_jitter(width = .02, size = .2) +
  geom_violin(alpha = .6, fill = gray(.7), color = NA) +
  geom_boxplot(aes(fill = environment),
               alpha = .3, width = .15,
               outlier.color = NA,
               show.legend = F) +
  theme_light(base_size = 20)