Data overview

fam sp environment DF SVL
Allophrynidae Allophryne_ruthveni still 4645 20.60
Alsodidae Alsodes_nodosus flowing 1140 75.85
Alytidae Alytes_cisternasii flowing 1491 41.00
Arthroleptidae Cardioglossa_occidentalis flowing 4100 27.30
Arthroleptidae Leptopelis_argenteus still 1750 45.00
Arthroleptidae Leptopelis_bocagii still 600 52.00

Phylogenetic tree overview

ape::plot.phylo(anura.tree, show.tip.label = FALSE, type = "f")


If you use this data in publications, please cite:

Röhr, D. L., G. B. Paterno, F. Camurugi, F. A. Juncá, and A. A. Garda. 2016. Background noise as a selective pressure: stream-breeding anurans call at higher frequencies. Organisms Diversity and Evolution 16:269–273.