Plot results from tree_clade_phylm and tree_clade_phyglm

# S3 method for sensiTree_Clade
sensi_plot(x, clade = NULL, graphs = "all", ...)



output from tree_clade_phylm or tree_clade_phyglm


The name of the clade to be evaluated (see details)


Choose which graph should be printed on the output ("all", 1 or 2). Defaults to "all".


further arguments to methods.


For 'x' from tree_clade_phylm or tree_clade_phyglm:

Graph 1: Estimated slopes after clade removal (reduced data) across multiple trees. Small dots represent estimates reruns between phylogenetic trees while larger dots represents the average estimate between all trees for each clade. The solid black line represents the average slope estimate among trees using the full dataset.

Graph 2: The effect of clade removal on slope estimate across all individual phylogenetic trees for each clade analyzed. The black line indicates estimates with the full dataset while the red line represent estimates without the focal clade (reduced data) across different trees. The blue dots represent null expectation estimates after removing the same number of species of the focal clade, with dots falling outside the red line area indicating a larger than expected absolute effect.

See also