A comparative dataset containing traits for 94 alien mammal species (alien.data) and a multiphylo object with 101 phylogenies matching the data (alien.phy). Tip labels are the binomial species names and match with data rownames. Data was taken from (Gonzalez-Suarez et al. 2015) and phylogenies from (Fritz et al 2009) and (Kuhn et al 2011).



A data frame with 94 rows and 7 variables:

  • family: Taxonomic family

  • adultMass: Mean adult body mass (g)

  • gestaLen: Mean gestation length (days)

  • homeRange: Mean home range (km)

  • SE_mass: Standard deviation (intraspecific) for mean adult body mass (g)

  • SE_gesta: Standard deviation (intraspecific) for mean gestation length (days)

  • SE_range: Standard deviation (intraspecific) for mean home range (km)


Alien mammal data: Gonzalez-Suarez, Manuela, Sven Bacher, and Jonathan M. Jeschke. "Intraspecific trait variation is correlated with establishment success of alien mammals." The American Naturalist 185.6 (2015): 737-746 DOI: 10.1086/681105

Downloaded from: Gonzalez-Surez M, Bacher S, Jeschke J (2015) Data from: Intraspecific trait variation is correlated with establishment success of alien mammals. Dryad Digital Repository. http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.sp963

Phylogeny: Kuhn, Tyler S., Arne O. Mooers, and Gavin H. Thomas. "A simple polytomy resolver for dated phylogenies." Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2.5 (2011): 427-436.

Fritz, Susanne A., Olaf RP Bininda-Emonds, and Andy Purvis. "Geographical variation in predictors of mammalian extinction risk: big is bad, but only in the tropics." Ecology letters 12.6 (2009): 538-549.